Monday, November 10, 2014

Nanowrimo Week 2: The Story and the Word Count

 I've wrote almost 13,000 words in seven days.
But in week 2, I wrote nearly nothing.
Of course, life gets in our way. This time, I think I got in my own way. I wrote myself a cryptic note and I couldn't figure it out. I spent most of the week staring at "Write biker scene before dress scene". Here's a hint as to why that's confusing: my whole book is about bikers.

Eventually I gave up and wrote another scene which I like and which was true to the story. Maybe I'll remember what that scene was during editing. That's clarity I wish I had earlier this week. I was speaking with my friend Dyane Forde at some point about being a perfectionist. We both admit to this. 

I mentioned how I know that, in terms of speed and progress, editing is something best done when the draft is complete. For me, though, it's just impossible to press forward if I think something is badly written. I feel like everything following is also badly written or, if what follows is better written, the badly written work is still staining it. It's a lot like shitting your pants and trying to continue as if nothing happened. You just have to go home and clean up.

This book is short. I think I can still finish in the next 2 weeks. I hope that because it's short, this will be my only stumble. Now I face a different problem. Finish the story in time. 

I originally plotted the book into Year One and Year Two. And things seemed to be going great. But now, there seems to be so much missing. I mean exactly that, missing. The more I write, the more I feel like these pieces should be there. I'm actually surprised at how much I've written and what I've written. My main character is becoming ruthless and very violent. Every page I write is a surprise for me right now. 
I'm at the middle of the book, leading up the climax of the story. This is the part that's always most difficult for me. I am good at world building, introducing characters and getting them into trouble. I also feel like I'm even good at endings. But the middle, the pacing is the most terrifying and the most difficult. Quite frankly, I'm scared.

Added to the challenge is I want to see if I can STILL finish by the 22nd. Right before thanksgiving. And I would LOVE to spend the holiday editing. So, let's see how this week goes. See y'all sunday!

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